Monday 30 April 2012

Salvia divinorum 'Blosser'

                             Salvia Divinorum, Blosser strain.

Originally we brought this strain into the UK from the USA in 2010. As far as I know we were the only people selling Blosser here for quite a while. Most of the Blosser available now in the UK originated from our mother plant.
Blosser is said to be the 'palettable' strain, although after tasting it I would disagree! Its as bitter as any other.
Much slower growing and slower to root than the Wasson and Hoffmaan strain we also have.
Blosser is not common in the UK or Europe at all, more common in the USA.
Leaves tend to have more of a serrated edge to them and white central veins on the leaves.
The Blosser above has been trimmed to look more like a bush than a standard tall Salvia.

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